Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Sparkling Taste of San Pellegrino

I have always been curious about those bottled water that i see in movies and dramas.  Whenever a rich character is portrayed, it's almost always that when they drink water, it comes in those fancy colored bottles either dark blue or green.

So my curiosity led mo to buying a bottle of San Pellegrino from my last trip to S&R.  I was tempted to buy the blue one but seeing San Pellegrino i thought i should try this one first. This sparkling bottled water costs 190.00 pesos for 750ml. It's almost 6 times more expensive than a 1.5L Coke.

I read that this water is naturally carbonated although the bottler still adds carbon to it.  The water is said to have curative powers.  So I had my first taste of San Pellegrino sparkling water.  It was totally different from what I expected.  It has the same feel as that of drinking softdrinks but the flavorless water seems to have that  some kinda of a 'mineral' after taste. 

I honestly don't know what's in this water that makes it such hit to the taste of the upper class and fine dining lovers.  I think I would rather buy a bottle of the equally expensive Evian. I was a little disappointed ha ha ha maybe because I never have that upper class taste.  I think I will always expect for some flavor whenever drinking something sparkling.

Oh well the excitement on drinking this sparkling water died down at home, I find it a waste to put it on sink so maybe I will try one of those concoctions from Giada that uses sparkling water.


  1. 190 pesos for a bottle of water? ...That's about a weeks supply of alkaline water for the whole family. The bottle looks cool though.

    1. yeah i know it was really expensive water, just tried it for the sake of experience =) i bet your alkaline water taste a lot better than this.

  2. It's really normal that you never like it on the first try but once you get used to it, it's not easy to go back to drinking plain water. Happened to me.

  3. I've never ever tried the more expensive sparkling water. I prefer my ice cold water at home, at least it's free.. haha.. XD But I might give in and try this some day, just for the experience.
